Yuval Noah Harari  Book Recommendations For You   

Want to explore books that inspired Harari’s groundbreaking ideas? These recommendations promise to expand your mind and perspective! 


The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen 

Explore the struggles of a Midwestern family in this powerful novel blending identity, ambition, and societal change. 


The Chaos Machine by Max Fisher 

Uncover the hidden mechanics of social media’s impact on society with this gripping and eye-opening book. 


The Maniac by Benjamin Labatut 

Explore the collision of genius and madness in this mind-bending book that Harari finds utterly captivating. 


1984 by George Orwell 

Harari cites this dystopian classic as a chilling reminder of the dangers of totalitarianism and unchecked power.


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius 

A timeless guide to resilience and philosophy, offering Harari’s favorite insights on living a meaningful, balanced life. 


The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins 

Discover how genes influence evolution and behavior in this revolutionary book that Harari credits as deeply inspiring.