Zara Hatke Books by Sudha Murthy

Sudha Murthy's literary works are a treasure of inspiration and wisdom. Here are a few of her best books that fascinate readers of all ages and backgrounds.

sudha murthy


Wise and Otherwise: A Salute to Life

This book is a collection of real-life stories that showcase the complexities of human nature and the lessons they taught.


The Magic Drum and Other Favourite Stories

An engaging collection of short stories for children, filled with valuable life lessons and entertaining narratives.


How I Taught My Grandmother to Read and Other Stories

A collection of anecdotes reflecting life's simplicity and the wisdom of everyday experiences.


The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk

A collection of insightful stories based on incidents from Murthy's life and the lives of the people around her.


Grandma's Bag of Stories

A delightful mixture of tales told by grandparents, brimming with morals and joy, perfect for young readers.


The Old Man and His God: Discovering the Spirit of India

A compilation of true stories exploring the spiritual side, culture and traditions of India.


Dollar Bahu

Explores the conflicts arising from traditional values and modern aspirations within a family.


The Serpent's Revenge: Unusual Tales from the Mahabharata

Talks about the lesser-known stories and characters of the Mahabharata, providing a fascinating insight into this timeless story.